STEM Teacher 101: A Survival Guide for Newbies

Welcome to the exciting world of STEM teaching! As a new STEM teacher, you’re about to embark on a rewarding journey filled with discovery and innovation. Navigating the role of a “specials” teacher, where you’ll engage with multiple classes each day, presents unique challenges and opportunities. Let’s dive in and explore essential tips for getting started. I’ll cover everything from effective classroom management and creative decor ideas to must-have classroom resources and handy Amazon items. Here are my favorite tips to make your STEM classroom a dynamic and inspiring space for your students this year! And. . . if you’ve already been teaching for a while, I’m betting there’s something here for you too!

Check out these tips, tricks, and resources to make your year as a STEM teacher newbie a success.

Tips for Getting Started as a New STEM Teacher

So you’re a brand new STEM teacher, huh? Not to worry friend, I’ve got your back! Today we’re talking about some tried and true tips to help solve common problems STEM teachers face. While this post is going to dive into some broad topics that will help you get started as a STEM teacher, sometimes you need or want more support. If that sounds like you, then I invite you to take a look at the Miss Tech Queen Toolbox. This course offers you training videos, teaching tips, and resources you can use all in one place. It’s everything I wished I had known as a first year STEM teacher, and more.

Facing the Challenges

As a specials or elective teacher there are often some challenges that you will face that a traditional classroom teacher or grade-level teacher doesn’t have. These can range from not having a classroom space and needing to be mobile, to having to put together your own curriculum.

With a little planning and creativity, you will see that these challenges can also be great benefits!

Embracing Flexible Spaces as a New STEM Teacher

First on this list of tips for new STEM teachers, let’s address your classroom space. As a STEM teacher, you might find yourself teaching in various spaces. This can include a dedicated classroom, the gym, or even a mobile cart. If you don’t have a dedicated STEM classroom it can seem daunting at first. But it also presents a unique opportunity. Spaces within your school can also be used creatively to enhance learning experiences. For instance, a lesson on physics can be made more engaging by utilizing the open space of a gym. And, an outdoor setting can provide real-world context for environmental science topics. If you do have a dedicated classroom, try getting out and about every once in a while. It is a great way to break up the monotony of being in the same place all the time.

As a newbie STEM teacher it's important to embrace flexibility no matter your room situation as you begin this new and exciting journey into the world of STEM

If you don’t have your own classroom, then chances are you will be moving from class to class to teach. This poses a unique challenge of its own since each classroom is set up differently. Get to know the spaces you will be working in so that you can plan your lessons and activities to work no matter what room you are in.

Organization is Key

STEM lessons generally require a variety of supplies. Organization is going to be your best friend as you gather supplies for your lessons. Keeping your supplies in bins that have a lid will make it easy to store and/or transport supplies from one room to another. If you don’t have a classroom, see if the school has a closet space that you can use to keep materials you aren’t using. This would allow you to grab the materials you need for any given day without the need to move everything all.the.time! Again, keeping this storage space organized will be essential to being able to quickly stock up for the day or the next lesson.

To make the most of this flexibility, keep a portable cart stocked with those everyday items that you will need. Include items like markers, scissors, glue, and pencils. Then keep space on your cart for those STEM supplies you need for your current lessons. Having a well-stocked cart ensures that you’re always ready to teach anywhere, regardless of the setting. This will allow you to set up engaging and educational activities quickly. This will help you make the most of your teaching time, and help students keep focused and excited about STEM.

STEM Teachers as Specials Teachers

Being a specials or elective teacher offers a unique and exciting opportunity to engage with students across multiple grade levels every day. Unlike core subject teachers who may have the same group of kiddos for the entire year, specials teachers often see a wide range of students, if not all the students in the school. This rotation can be amazing, but also challenging. It will require you to be adaptable and creative.

This Bitmoji voice chart is the perfect addition to your classroom management resources as a new STEM teacher.

Handling multiple grade levels daily means more time spent on lesson planning and classroom management. It’s important to create a flexible plan that can be easily adjusted for different ages and skill levels. Having a lesson or activity that can be used for an entire grade level or multiple grade levels will help you save time. In the STEM field, it is easy to do this knowing that you will get different levels of output based on the age and experience of your students.

Effective classroom management strategies are also crucial! Be sure to establish clear rules and routines that are consistent across all of your classes. Having the same rules and procedures for everyone will make it much easier for you to enforce them in the day to day. And. . . since the students are likely to see you for multiple years, it will make year over year easier too!

Some of my favorite resources for classroom management and procedures include:

One of the best things about being a specials teacher is being able to build relationships with students starting at an early age. You will watch them grow, develop, and blossom over their time at the school. It’s a great position, for sure!

STEM Teacher Decor

If you have a dedicated classroom space, creating an inviting and stimulating environment in your STEM classroom is key to fostering a love for learning in your students. Start by incorporating colorful posters and charts that highlight key STEM concepts and encourage curiosity. Consider adding plants or other natural elements to bring a sense of calm and vitality to the space. Remember, the goal is to make your classroom a place where students feel comfortable exploring and engaging with STEM topics.

Incorporating colorful posters and charts in your STEM classroom help create a stimulating environment.

I love using the products in the STEM Makerspace Starter Kit to set up my classroom for success each year. A few of the products in the STEM Makerspace Starter Kit include:

  • STEAM posters
  • Makerspace schedule for station rotations
  • Bin labels
  • Makerspace alphabet posters
  • Coding vocabulary posters
  • Bulletin board and door decor kit
  • Editable STEM awards

These resources will make it quick and easy to get your classroom decorated and set up for action as a new STEM teacher! It truly has everything you need to get started.

In addition to decor, think about how you can organize your classroom layout to promote collaboration and hands-on learning. Arrange desks or tables in groups to facilitate group work and discussions. Create designated areas for different STEM activities, such as a reading corner with STEM-themed books or a maker space stocked with materials for hands-on projects. By thoughtfully planning your classroom layout and decor, you can create an environment that inspires creativity, critical thinking, and a love for STEM learning.

Must-Have Classroom Resources for the New STEM Teacher

When setting up your STEM classroom, planning for a whole year’s worth of activities can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable pieces can make the process much easier. Start by outlining the major topics and projects you want to cover throughout the year. Not sure where to start? If you have state standards or a scope and sequence, start there. If you don’t, think about the different skills you’d like your students to learn. You can always browse through my blog for ideas. I’ve been doing this for years and have tons of ideas for projects and activities.

Take all your ideas and put them into a general outline. Then you will want to start filling in the outline with the specific activities and lessons you would like to use. This will help you plan a mix of hands-on activities, group projects, and individual tasks to keep students engaged. As you plan, use a variety of materials and resources to help you differentiate as you come across different learning styles and abilities.

Still feeling a little overwhelmed? Check out my All You Need Bundle! It truly has everything you need for a year of STEM / Makerspace learning. Using these activities you will be teaching STEM, coding, robotics, and building/engineering. Everything that a well-rounded STEM class needs.

Keep Lessons Fresh with Seasonal Activities

Integrating seasonal or themed projects into your STEM curriculum is a fantastic way to keep things fresh and exciting for your students. Imagine starting the fall by building apple trees, moving into turkey zip lines, and then finishing the semester with some Christmas or holiday coding. But the fun doesn’t stop there! The second semester can be filled with winter building challenges, some Valentine’s Day tech skills, a spring STEM Story, and a summer stop motion animation project.

Seasonal activities are a must in the STEM classroom and a great way to keep things fresh and exciting for your students.

These types of activities not only make learning fun but also provide a context that can make complex concepts more relatable and easier to understand. Plus, students love the change of pace that comes with new and timely projects, which can help maintain their enthusiasm and curiosity throughout the school year.

Breaking down lessons into seasonal activities is a great way to keep students interested and engaged all year long. Between those lessons, fill in with other activities that help students build key skills.

For a variety of seasonal activities for the entire year, check out the Miss Tech Queen TPT store. You’ll find a wide range of resources designed to bring a fresh perspective to your classroom each season, helping you create a dynamic and enjoyable learning environment for your students.

Save Time Planning and Prepping

The All You Need Makerspace Bundle is perfect for a year's worth of STEM activities.

For an entire year’s worth of STEM activities, check out the All You Need Makerspace Bundle! This resource truly has everything you need for a year of learning at all the different grade levels. One Bundle – All Your Classes – All Year Long!

The resources in this bundle include both everyday themes and seasonal ones. It covers a variety of skills and concepts to help your students learn coding, robotics, technology skills and complete a variety of STEM challenges. Plus. . . the resources in this bundle adapt to various grade levels and learning environments, making it an excellent investment for any STEM teacher. With this bundle, you can rest easy knowing that you have everything you need for an amazing year.

If you are looking for a year of activities that is solely focused on STEM challenges (without the coding and robotics components), then I suggest you take a look at the STEM For a Year Club. I know you and your students will love this full year of STEM activities.

Whether you have a fully equipped makerspace or are working with limited resources, you can easily modify these bundles’ projects and activities to suit your needs. With either of these comprehensive collections, you’ll have a wealth of ideas and lesson materials at your disposal, allowing you to foster a creative and collaborative atmosphere in your classroom all year long.

Additionally, both bundles allow you to seamlessly integrate it with your existing curriculum or use it as a standalone resource for your classroom. This adaptability ensures that you can meet all the needs and interests of your kiddos, making STEM education both accessible and exciting.

If a year's worth of incredible STEM activities is what you are looking for be sure to check out the All You Need Makerspace Bundle perfect for the STEM teacher newbie!
Join the STEM for a Year Club for helpful resources, tips, and all things STEM related activities to get you through your first year as a STEM teacher.

Amazon Finds to Help You Rock This Year

Starting out as a new STEM teacher can feel overwhelming, but having the right resources at your fingertips can make all the difference. Amazon is a treasure trove of essential items that can transform your classroom into an engaging and dynamic learning environment. And. . . I love having supplies delivered straight to the school so I don’t have to transport them from home.

Stock your classroom library with an array of captivating books that cover a wide range of STEM subjects. Consider titles on women in STEM, space exploration, technology and coding, and famous inventors. These books not only provide valuable information but also serve as great inspiration for your students, showing them the exciting possibilities within the STEM fields.

Check out these Amazon finds full of books, robotics, hands-on kits and more to assist you as a STEM teacher newbie.

You can also enhance your lessons with practical tools and materials that encourage hands-on learning. Coding supplies, robots, and building materials are excellent for sparking creativity and problem-solving skills. For more interactive projects, look into stop motion and green screen supplies. These items can turn a regular day in the classroom into an exciting exploration of technology and innovation. Hands-on kits are also fantastic for providing structured yet fun activities that cover a variety of STEM topics.

For even more, check out all of the Miss Tech Queen Amazon favorites here!

Happy Teaching

Embarking on your journey as a new STEM teacher is an exciting and rewarding experience. With the right resources and a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to foster a love of science, technology, engineering, and math in your students. Remember to stay flexible, keep your lessons engaging, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help or inspiration when needed. From effective classroom management and creative decor ideas to essential classroom supplies, you’re now equipped with valuable tips to make your year a success. Wishing you all the best as you inspire the next generation of innovators and problem-solvers. Happy teaching from Miss Tech Queen!

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