helpful Tips for Teaching from Home

FIVE weeks in quarantine! I Can’t believe it, and I still remember doubting that school would even close. This is the fifth week at home and I really have not left my house except for three grocery store runs. It is definitely a time we all will never forget. 

Here are a few tips I have : 

  • Make sure you move around. After sitting for hours and hours each day on the computer, my leg suddenly went numb and tingly. It wouldn’t go away and I realized I hurt my back and was having some nerve issues. I had to do virtual physical therapy and make some changes to my day. I decided to buy a standing desk converter so that I could spend some parts of the day on my feet. After much research, I went with the Flexispot ClassicRiser. This creates a work space where my laptop, external monitor, keyboard, mouse lay on. When I want to stand, I can easily press one handle and lift everything up. It is pretty neat! So far I love it!!!! Click here to check it out & save $15.
  • Everyone is in this, and so many people are working together. It is wonderful to see so many companies offering free items at this time. Take advantage of this and try new sites with your students. There are many way you can connect with them. Here’s a list of them.
  • Step outside of your comfort zone and learn new things. Although I have been using Google tools in my classroom for 8 years, there is always something new to learn. These 5 weeks have pushed me to be more creative, try new educational tools, and think outside the box. If you want to try something new, here are my YouTube tutorials to help you through.
  • Focus! Sometimes it can be soo difficult to focus at home with many distractions. Our phones are one of them!!! Try putting your phone on focus mode/silent so you can give yourself a break. I find myself getting much more done when I do this.

I hope you and your family are healthy and safe at this time. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any additional help.

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