Phew! You’ve made it through another wonderful, tiring, incredible, rewarding school year. Well… almost. The last few weeks are upon you. It’s time to celebrate all of the hard work your students have completed over the past 9 months. End of the year STEM awards are one of my favorite ways to celebrate all of the learning my students have accomplished during our time together. While every student won’t get the best reader or best at math award, end of the year STEM awards are super inclusive and reward kiddos for all kinds of accomplishments. Here are some of my favorite end of the year STEM awards and how I use them in my classroom.

1. Outstanding Thinker End of the Year STEM Award
When it comes to handing out awards at the end of the year, I think we mostly imagine giving out awards to celebrate academic success.
However, in my classroom especially, I like to celebrate all students. Students who are great at problem-solving, critical thinking, or using their imaginations should be celebrated also. That’s why this Outstanding Thinker end of the year STEM award is one of my favorites.
I bet you can imagine a few kiddos who are always quick to think of ways to solve problems, come up with creative ideas to complete challenges, or even think up ideas for projects you never could. This award is just for them!
Your outstanding thinker will be thrilled to be recognized for their creative thinking with this unique award that both the student and their parents will treasure!
2. Tech Wiz Award
You know that kiddo who is quick to learn how to use all of the techy gadgets or new software before everyone else?
This Tech Wiz award is going to show them you recognize their ability to grasp new technology with ease.
This Tech Wiz award celebrates:
- Using computers with skill
- Demonstrating outstanding behavior
- Being respectful to teachers and classmates
Another great thing about this award is that it’s fully editable. So, if you have a student who excelled at learning how to code, you can add that to the list as well.
Maybe your student not only learned how to use new technology well but was also amazing at teaching other students how to use it. Use this Tech Wiz award to celebrate their ability to learn AND teach new tech skills. You will certainly have one very proud kiddo on your hands after presenting this award!
3. Brilliant Builder
Not every student is going to be a wiz at academic subjects. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have amazing qualities that need to be celebrated and encouraged. In your STEM class or Makerspace, students are given opportunities to thrive in so many different skills.
Can you think of that one student who is an absolutely brilliant builder when it comes to using LEGO, building blocks, and even recyclable materials for building? That’s the kiddo that deserves the Brilliant Builder award.
This is the kid I imagine will become an engineer one day. Or, maybe they will be responsible for building the first highway to outer space.
Sometimes being a brilliant builder is overlooked as a skill to be celebrated. But, in my classroom especially, this is a skill I want to be sure to appreciate.
Celebrate your brilliant builder with an end of the year STEM award they will be thrilled to receive!
4. Always Curious End of the Year STEM Award
I bet it would take you all of .2 seconds to think of at least one student you have had this year who asks a million and one questions during every class period. I know I can! That insatiable curiosity deserves to be rewarded, but seldom is!
For the student who is always asking why, show them you appreciate their desire to know more with the “Always Curious” end of the year STEM award.
Customize this award with a fun fact you bet they won’t know to make it even more exciting for them.
5. Terrific Teamwork Award
Working well with a team doesn’t come naturally to everyone. But, for those kiddos who embrace teamwork, it deserves to be celebrated.
Present the terrific teamwork award to a student or group of students who have shown how important teamwork is throughout the year.
Like all of the other awards listed here, these STEM awards don’t have to be just for the end of the school year.
Maybe you have a group that worked really well together during one of your STEM challenges.
Hand out this Terrific Teamwork award at the end of your unit and let the celebrating begin!
6. Robot Specialist Award
Do you use Ozobots, Sphero, or Robot Mouse in your lessons? These amazing learning bots take some time and patience to get used to. But, there will surely be a few students who seemed to naturally understand how to make the most of using these incredible robots in class.
Give kudos to those students who embraced using these cool bots with the Robot Specialist Award. I like to customize this award to include any and all robots the students mastered during our time with them. All of the awards in the STEM Award Bundle are super easy to customize in Google Slides. Check out the video below for a quick example.
7. 3D Printing Specialist
Being a STEM teacher means my students get to “play” with a lot of fun tech tools. And, one of our favorites has to be the 3D printer.
Sometimes I’m amazed at the ideas my students come up with when it comes to 3D printing. From toys to tools, my students have created some truly amazing 3D-printed objects.
In addition to coming up with ideas for the objects to be 3D printed, students have to learn how to use the machine. It’s easy to make mistakes, and they do happen frequently.
That’s why this 3D Printing Specialist award is so cool! Not only can I reward a kiddo for their awesome designs, but I can also celebrate their ability to learn how to run the machine safely.
8. Green Screen Guru End of the Year STEM Award
Using a green screen in my STEM classroom has been a favorite of my students for years! From creating stop-motion movies to mock broadcasts, the green screen has endless possibilities.
I love giving out the Green Screen Guru end of the year STEM award. I award it to students who use the green screen in innovative ways.
Maybe they created their own superhero stop-motion movie making the figures appear to be flying. Or, maybe they found a way to make it look like they are floating through space while delivering the morning announcements.
No matter how your green screen guru has excelled at using the green screen, you can applaud their hard work with this award.
9. Super Thinker in Enrichment Class
Not a STEM teacher? No problem! These awards are also great for other enrichment classes!
If you teach PE for example, and have a student who is great at problem-solving and thinking creatively in class, this award is great for them!
If you teach art, the Super Thinker award can be perfect for that kiddo who created a really interesting sculpture made of recycled materials.
Hand out this award during your end of the year ceremony to celebrate those creative or innovative thinkers for using their excellent brain power this year.
10. Make it Your Own
Lastly, one of my favorite things about the end of the year STEM Awards Bundle is it comes with a whole set of fully customizable awards. Since you can choose the skill or characteristic you want to celebrate with easy customization in Google Slides, the possibilities are endless.
Example awards include:
- Outstanding Organizer
- Perseverance Award
- Directions Expert
- Class Comedian
- Fabulous Friend
- Most Adventurous
- Strong Storyteller
- Helping Hand
In summary, no matter which awards you choose to hand out, your students will feel loved and appreciated and that’s the whole point right?
Grab the STEM Awards Bundle Today
No need to wait on your end of the year STEM awards! You can grab these particularly amazing Makerspace STEM digital awards to customize and print today.
Pin it!
Lastly, be sure to save these end of the year STEM awards to your favorite classroom Pinterest board today!